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  • Ruth Carlisle

2022: New Year Reflection and Goal Setting Tips


Happy 2022 everyone! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. If you managed to not catch covid-19 over the festive period then a special well done to you, as that was hard work trying to avoid catching it! I was fortunate enough to spend time with my family in England over Christmas and spent time with friends here in Northern Ireland over the New Year period. I was fortunate to only go back to work for 2 days in between the 2 events and managed to get some rest, which was very much needed after the year we've had!

Now whether you're into new years resolutions or not, the new year can bring a new motivation to try and bring about changes to your life. Personally, I think if you want to achieve something, you shouldn't wait till the new year to start pursing it, but on the flip side, the new year is a great chance to reflect and start building goals around those reflections.

Firstly however, I want to emphasise that we are still in a global pandemic, and reflecting and looking at goal setting may not be needed right now; a lot of us are just trying to get through each day! If that's you, then you can re-visit this post when you are ready!

In the rest of this post, I want to give you some small tips to help you reflect on 2021 and think ahead to 2022. I find it super handy to write things down, so get yourself a journal/notebook/diary/word document page and try these suggestions below!

  1. Reflect and write a list of all the highlights in 2021 - try going through each month to help you remember

  2. Reflect on what your biggest achievement was in 2021

  3. Reflect and write a list of the challenges you faced in 2021

  4. Reflect on these challenges and write beside them how you overcame them (maybe you haven't yet and that's okay!)

  5. Set some achievable goals for 2022 - I like to divide these into: Personal Growth, Relationships, Habits, Financial and Academic (you can just pick the ones that suit you most though!)

    • After each goal, think about what steps you can take to achieve it. If the steps to achieve it are unrealistic, then it will be more difficult to reach the goal.

    • I personally find it helpful to look over the challenges of the past year and think about what I want to achieve from those challenges I have faced.

    • Put a date in your calendar to review these goals throughout the year to monitor your progress with achieving them. For me, I will plan to review my goals every 3 months or so, to see if my steps to achieve the goals are working, and if they aren't to edit my steps or the goal.

I hope that some of these tips are useful and I wish you all a happy new year!

Lots of Love

Ruth xxx

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